I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Monday 22 August 2011

Wait on God

If you are negative, grouchy, critical or jealous, you will also probably be prone to sickness and disease. Whereas if you have a happy and cheerful nature you are more likely to be in good health and be easier to heal. Laughter really is a healing medicine!

Sickness is a result of sin, Man's sin. God's initial aim for Man was that we were all to be joyful and full of peace. But Eve ate the apple, sin entered and we died spiritually. God then had to plan on how to redeem us.

Where there is sin, there are germs, disease and sickness. There is no way that we can avoid sickness, but we can wait on God for healing so that we no longer are an open door for disease. You then need to get in the right mindset; think young, think strong, think happy. Joy is connected to good health. The more good things you do and experience, the better you will feel. Medicinal cures have their important place but we also need to trust in God as our healer. Wait on God to give you the strength to live your life to the full.

If you suffer with an illness, never, ever take ownership of it. Don't refer to it as "my illness". God cares about every part of you, not just your spiritual side. Put your trust in God to heal you of the illness.

Accept that the Lord your God is a healer. Stop trying to figure out the hows and whys and just proclaim, "I believe in God". But we also need to play our part in our wellbeing. If we totter around in stiletto heels day in day out, there is no doubt that at some point we will experience problems with our feet. If we always lift heavy weights from our lower back and not our knees then we are asking for problems. Use your common sense. Don't ignore good health advice for the sake of fashion or laziness. Make a point of changing your bad health habits.

So, repent for making unwise health choices, then wait on God. Tell Him what you need and expect whilst meditating on His Word. Then start to take more care of yourself. Take things out of your life that bear no fruit and learn to say no. This will reduce the stress in your life. Eat well, get enough sleep and most importantly do not do or take part in anything that God would not approve of.

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