I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Monday 29 August 2011

Marriage and Change

It can sometimes seem that troubles in our marriage just appear out of nowhere, but the fact is that the Holy Spirit provides us with many warnings, it's just that most of us choose to ignore them in the hope that they will go away - they won't. In a troubled marriage it's not uncommon for both spouses to believe that it is the other that is totally in the wrong. This is not usually so and we need to take a good look at ourselves to see what part we are playing in the strife.

We want our life to change but want to retain our lifestyle and this is where we end up living in situations of resentment. Remaining with your spouse usually offers the same financial benefits, support raising your children, living in your nice house and other things. But choosing to separate from your spouse will usually incur a downgrade in all those things. Something which many just aren't willing to lose, so they remain in an unhappy marriage for the sake of nice bricks and mortar.

On other occasions when our marriage is on the rocks, we just give up, we won't do anything to change, and we expect our spouse to do all the changing. The reality is that we need to ask God to help us to change too.

We all need to take some responsibility. The decisions that we make throughout our whole lives affect our destiny, as does asking God for the right things at the right time. We need to change for ourselves first, then for others to ensure that we are living the life that Jesus died for us to have. We must be prepared to do the right thing all the time no matter what is going on around us.

In Deuteronomy 7:1-2 Jesus is talking to all the enemies. He probably didn't want to, but God had told him that the time was right. When God puts something in your mind, that is the indicator that it is time to deal with it. It is at that time that He is giving it over to you to do your part. Don't wait until you think it is your time, God knows when the time is right and if it is in God's time it will have an anointing on it that will make it easier for you.

We may proclaim in our head our out loud that we are ready to and want to deal with something but then we give a multitude of reasons for why we can't. This is a sign of something offensive in your life which is blocking you from God and it needs getting rid of. Don't keep on making excuses for it. Just change! Whatever decisions need making, it is you that will have to make them. God won't make them for you. Say to God, "God, I want to change, but I can't without your help and guidance." Whatever the change is that you want in your life, acknowledge it and pray to God about it on a daily basis. It's not our job to change ourselves, it's our job to agree with God about the changes that He wants to see in our lives.

Stay in the Word. There is power in it to save your soul. Feed yourself with the Word of God so that your spiritual side becomes greater and stronger than the flesh. Make right choices and get rid of your enemies - your personality and thinking defects.

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