I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Resist the devil at the onset

"Resist him, standing firm in the faith," 1 Peter 5:9. There are many causes of depression, but only one source: Satan. He wants us pressed down and feeling bad about ourselves so that we won't receive all that Jesus died to give us. One of the biggest tools the devil uses to make us feel bad about ourselves is condemnation, which is a cause of depression. The devil uses it to steal our joy as he knows that "the joy of the Lord is your strength" Nehemiah 8:10. He wants us in a state where we are weak and unable to do anything except put up with whatever he throws at us. People can also be depressed because of something that is wrong with them physically. A chemical imbalance or being too tired and worn out can also cause depression. If the body is depleted due to stress or lack of rest, the person may be restored simply by getting the needed rest and nutrition. However, if the depression is caused by a chemical imbalance then medical help must be sought. Depression can result from physical, mental, emotional or spiritual causes. King David was depressed because he had unconfessed sin in his life Psalm 51. Jonah was depressed because he was running from the call of God and living in disobedience Jonah 1, 2. Elijah was depressed because he was tired 1 Kings 19. So as you can see, the causes of depression are varied, which means there is no one solution. However, Jesus always is the right answer, and no matter what cause the devil has used to bring depression, Jesus will lead us to victory when we follow him. He will show us what we need to do in order to live a life filled with joy. Jesus gave us "the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness" to put on Isaiah 61:3. If we don't use what he has given us, we will sink lower and lower into the pit of depression and this will cause problems. When we know how to do right but don't do it, we are 'flirting with the devil' just as a man and woman would in the first stages of a love affair. We simply cannot play that game with the devil because once we open a door, he may get a foothold, and once he gets that he can obtain a stronghold. The devil is progressive and aggressive against us and we must be aggressive against him. God covers us to a greater degree when we're ignorant and really don't know what we are doing, but once we know what is right yet still wilfully do wrong, it changes things. God still loves is and still wants to help us, but we have a greater degree of accountability due to knowledge. If we flirt with the devil we will always get hurt. Refusing to put on the garment of praise because we don't feel like it or don't want to is a dangerous games as it opens a door for deeper problems that can cause serious consequences. Whereas if you resist the devil at the onset, extended bouts of depression will be stopped. We resist the devil by submitting ourselves to God and wielding the Sword of the Spirit, which is his Word Ephesians 6:17. We must remember that depression is not part of God's will for us, so anytime we feel anything that is not part of his will we need to pick up the sword of his Word. The Bible promises that if we do that, if we will resist the devil firmly at his onset then he will flee from us James 4. Stand on the Word of God and refuse to let the negative feelings weigh upon us and depress us. In Isaiah 61 we see that Jesus was anointed and sent by God to preach the gospel of good tidings to the poor in spirit, to heal the broken hearted, to set free captives and to grant joy to the mourning, to give them an ornament of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a heavy, burdened and failing spirit. "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8. This Scripture tells us that we are no longer condemned, judged guilty or wrong, yet so often we judge and condemn ourselves. It is not uncommon for depressed people to carry a huge sense of guilt around with them, sometimes not even knowing why. In order to overcome this, a greater understanding of the Word of God is needed and from this we can learn what we must not only receive forgiveness from God, but that we must also forgive ourselves, stop punishing ourselves for something that God has forgiven and forgotten, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." Acts 10:15. That does not mean that we are now perfect or incapable of error. It just means that we can go on with our lives without being weighed down with a constant burden of guilt and condemnation for what is in the past. As long as we are doing the best we can, we truly repent for our sins and our heart is right before God, we can stay out from under the burden of guilt and condemnation. God knows that if our heart is right then our actions will eventually come into line with our heart.


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  2. That has what my day has been like. It was the Holy Spirit who spoke the words to me "at his onset", so as I typed the words 'resist the devil at his onset', I felt led by God to click on this link. Thank You LORD Jesus for Your love and Your help today. God bless you Nicky as you continue to serve God in faithfulness. May He encourage you in your walk with Him as He has just used you to encourage and enlighten me.
