I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Living by Faith

Faith is a deeply creative force that goes out into the spiritual realm with you when you pray. Words of faith are powerful and create movement and action. Confessing the world of God out loud is a powerful principle. It teaches us not to talk about ourselves and our problems all the time, something which those around you would get tired of very quickly. Instead, you need to talk about a solution by faith instead.

Faith heals, but not always as you expect. You may have to make a complete leap of faith and see what God does. Sometimes we have to do what God tells us to even if we don't want to: This is faith, use it and trust in Him.

When something goes wrong, the first thing we need to do is pray to God for a solution, but sometimes we actually need to use our wisdom first, especially with regard to our health. We need to be making the right fleshly choices. Everyone goes through hard times, even pastors. We just need to keep 'praying, saying and doing' and we will have a breakthrough. Hold on to your faith and trust in Him. Grumbling and moaning does not impress God, but asking Him for help does.

The Bible is full of people who did things by faith. Abel brought his best offering. Noah built an ark even though he had never seen rain in his life. Abraham left home and followed God even though God wouldn't tell him where he was heading. The Israelites crossed the Red Sea by faith. Moses left home by faith ahs he wanted to help bring deliverance to the people. He chose a life whereby he had far less in the natural but so much more in the supernatural. Modern day missionaries are similar. They step out in faith, leaving behind worldly goods. They get very little recognition from the world but God sees them, He knows that they are there and they will be rewarded.

It is far better to live life believing God for something, even if you don't get it than living with a bitter, negative and hopeless attitude. Faith makes you happy in a difficult world. Many of us have hope and vision inside of us but it seems at times as if the whole world is conspiring against you - God isn't. God is for you! He is searching for those who won't give up and who dare to believe in Him. Do you dare?

In Galatians 3:1-3, Paul, having received the Holy Spirit by faith asked people if they truly thought that they could achieve perfection through the work of the flesh after being saved in the spirit. Paul was trying to tell the crowd that the same way in which you are saved is the same way in which you need to live. Once we believe, we get another set of eyes - our heart. We can then understand things in our heart that we cannot understand in any other way.

"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." Hebrews 11:3. By faith we can understand so many things that our head cannot fathom and this decreases our anxiety and worry. Being faithful to God is an awesome lifelong commitment. Faith is truly amazing once we fully give ourselves.

Romans speaks a lot about faith. We learn that "we live by faith" and that we are justified by faith (justified meaning that being made as if you have never sinned). We are justified in Christ, all debts are paid, we are made right with God.

Through the Holy Spirit we can look forward to many things in abundance. When we are sick we can look forward to health. When we are lonely we can look forward to new, good friendships by faith. The seemingly impossible happens through faith. Expect something good to happen to you today by faith and it probably will.

God does not want us to feel upset, undeserved and guilty. There is something very wrong with us spiritually if we feel that more than we feel faith. We need to use our faith to enable us to live guilt free. It takes a lot to smile when you feel glum, be enthusiastic when things are not going well, but tap into your faith and use it. Your struggles will never end until you decided to give it all up to God. Faith is the leaning of all aspects of you on God for everything.

Take Christ at His word, stop reading the Bible then acting like it is not true. Live by the Word, for as long as you trust God, He will keep you for He is faithful.

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