I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Attaining Peace

The devil has a clear plan, He wants us to be upset, worried, poorly behaved and in turmoil. But one of the best inheritances that we have from Christ is peace. Though at times it can be hard to know how to access that peace, but remember that God is in you, and therefore everything that is in Him is also in you.

However, you can't have peace until you know who you are in Christ, and you can't have joy until you find peace. Our inheritance gives us everything that we need for peace; security, righteousness and triumph over all opposition (Isaiah 54:17). Stop battling in the war within your head and focus on seeking peace. The more of your life that you give to God, the more peace you will experience.

The devil is a peace stealer and he knows exactly how to upset us and push our buttons. It's possible that he knows us better than we do. You need to learn what things steal your peace and then adjust your life so that you can no longer be robbed. Do this and you will see amazing changes in your life.

Contrary to what many believe, all our worth and value is based on who we are in Christ; not our race, job, bank balance, political stance and so on. If we took all these things out of the equation then there would surely be world peace (Ephesians 2:14).

Jealousy is an awful emotion. It comes from the devil and it causes great catastrophes. Wars have been fought on the basis of jealousy. It can be so easy to allow the devil to stir up jealousy within us, but there is no need to be jealous and resentful of others for God will give us all what we need.

God has a plan for each and every one of us. Trust in Him to do things His way in His own time and you will see nothing but good things. Whilst you are being greedy and jealous you will not get anything from God that you are hoping for. In the meanwhile, learn to be happy for those who have been blessed, even if to you they seem undeserving, whilst you pray for the things that you need in your own life (Philippians 4:4-7).

Stop meditating on all the wrong and negative things in your life and count your blessings frequently for all the good things you have. Learn to have a thankful nature. Refuse to be a complainer. God's will for us is peace (Colossians 3:15). Let peace rule in your life. One of the reasons that God gave us peace was so that we would be able to see right from wrong in our lives, so let peace be the umpire in your life.

Just before the Ascension, Jesus said that we have all the peace we will ever need right there in our spirits. But when we are not living in the spirit, we allow irritation in and peace cannot reign. We need to die to self and our lives will be changed forever in untold ways as you walk in the spirit.

Refusing to give in to the devil and being rules by your emotions allows your spirit to gain power and to continue doing what is right which helps allow peace to reign.


If you are not currently a peaceful person, the good news is that you can learn how to have peace.

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