I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Faith and Worry

We spend too much time worrying. Stop worrying and use that time to meditate on the Word of God and fight the good fight instead. Read the Bible out loud. The sound of your own voice will disrupt the wrong thoughts that you are having. It's a fact that you believe more of what you hear yourself say than what you hear anyone else say. Make the decision to live your life without worry. Learn what things you can do and what things you can't. Do what God tells you to do and stay away from anything He didn't tell you to do. Do what you can do and God will do the rest. Tell yourself that worry will not get you anywhere and instead of worrying, distract your mind in something joyful and meaningful.

If you worry in your mind, you will find that it comes out of your mouth too. This is what the devil hopes for as verbalising is so effective for getting us to believe and the devil wants you to believe your negative utterances so badly. We need to make a choice; we either give God permission to work in us or the devil by the words that we choose to release from our mouths.

"This is the day that the Lord has made" (Psalm 118:24). Worry is a thief that steals your joy, your peace and your today. Don't waste a day due to worry. There is also no point in spoiling today worrying and being upset over the past or about the future that we are powerless to do anything about. Leave the past and future to God and focus on the present. The Lord is your strength and your fortress (Psalm 91:1-2). Let go of the past, have faith in the future and enjoy the moment of today.

The disciples had total faith in Jesus, He said "Follow me" and they did, no questions asked and no worries or qualms about where they were heading, which was all uncertain at that point. When God sends us to do something, he provides us with all that we need so we don't have to worry Trust in God.

There are two things you need to realise in order to stop worrying. First you need to adopt humility and realise that you are not clever enough to solve your own problems. You show humility by not worrying. Worrying passes a message to God that you think that you can take control of a problem, even suggesting to God what He ought to do! Secondly, you will never learn if you do not step out in trust in the promises of God. Put your faith totally in God and He will provide. Sometimes in the strangest of ways and circumstances but he will provide.

Why should you make yourself miserable over somebody else's bad choice which affected your life? If you are living with someone who does not want to be happy, why let them steal your joy? Don't be co-dependent on other people's messes with the stance of "if you can't be happy then I can't be happy either". Miserable people want to control other people with their misery. Being stable in your joy can help people come out of their misery. You don't have to get into their misery with them but your joy will help them see that their circumstances don't have to control them. It can be a huge revelation to realise how pointless it is to torment ourselves with worry. Just let God and live!

Take your part of the responsibility, pray and have faith, then cast your care on to God. Never long for the life that someone else has. God has an individual plan for all of us and it will be nothing like anybody else's. Just because He doesn't do for you what He did for someone else does not mean that you way will be inferior, it just means that it will be different.

"Trust in the Lord and do good" (Psalm 37:3)

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