I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Monday 11 April 2011

Like a seedling

Like a seedling in the garden reliant and ever responsive to the elements my roots are firmly planted in the soil and I too respond to my own elements: Faith, Hope, Love, Mercy and Grace.

Each day I grow a little more into what I aspire to be but knowing that I will strive all this lifetime and not reach the goal I have set myself, that many Christians set themselves. That will only be achieved at Jesus' feet in eternity and what a place to aim for!

New shoots sprout, my Faith becomes multi-faceted. I revel in the excitement of each new day that God blesses me with. I seek to grow. My leaves and buds lean towards the sunshine trying to absorb as much of the elements as possible. I do this too. I draw towards my own sunshine: my Lord. I know that in order to grow in the best way that I can in order to reach my potential that the most important element is sunshine and I seek it wherever I go. There are times when rain is necessary but it is the sunshine that changes my being, gets into my soul and makes me proud of what I am becoming.


  1. yes Nicky you are developing into a place of contentment.Its nice to see you back writing on your blog.
    Just hope in the storms of life the anchor to the rock holds you steady.
    Will your anchor hold in the storms of life

    try this an see if you agree.
    The greatest of gifts is love.......but faith comes before love as you cant love if you have no faith.paul

  2. Thanks.
    The good news is that I have an anchor.
    The bad news is that I don't always use it well at the moment but with more tides to test it are love to nurture it then I think we will be ok.
