I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Trusting God when you do not understand - 1

Before you can get to the point in your life where you can be totally satisfied and content, you need to reach the stage where you realise that you don't have to understand everything that is happening because you trust in God completely and know that He will work things out for your own good.

"Jesus said, 'because you have seen me you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed'." John 20:29. Jesus is saying to Thomas that those who believe when they have not seen with their own eyes are stronger in their belief than those who have seen. If you are totally believing that you will get a breakthrough, in whatever form that might take, then it will come to you. It's one thing to say that you believe, but it is another issue entirely to have your faith severely tested and come out on the other side still believing in God. That is true belief and faith.

God is a mystery and there are so many people out there desperate to unravel the mystery, but in many respects His ways are past being found out. But if we did come to fully understand Him, could He still be our God? If we knew all that He knew then that would put us on a level playing field with Him. However, that will never, ever happen. His ways are above our ways and His thoughts are above our thoughts.

We need to be very careful when we are talking about God and the terms that we use to address Him so that we don't get a spirit of familiarity about us which makes us forget that He is awesome, almighty and all-powerful. We should have a reverent fear of God and never forget that there is nothing He cannot do and there is nothing He doesn't know. There is never a place where you are and He is not. He also knows every thought before we think it and every word before we say it. Now that is an awesome God!

You might think that you have a right to know everything and spend a lot of your time trying to solve and work things out about God. You need a revelation, it's silly to think that God would explain Himself to you. On a basic level, you don't explain absolutely everything to your children or employees. Many things are on a need to know basis and with God, most things you do not need to know.

There will always be things in your life that you do not have the answer to. If you are one of those people who feels a need to know the why behind everything, you are never going to have satisfaction and contentment and will not enter into the rest of God because trust always requires having some unanswered questions in your life.

The Israelites were the worst people in the Bible for wanting to know why. These are the group of men who it took 40 years to complete an 11 day journey. We spend far too much time trying to grow up in God and consequently we have a lot of the problems that the Israelites had. We need to learn to trust God. We waste so many days in states of confusion and our relationship with God does not progress due to this. Confusion is just a big waste of time. There may be times when you think that you have worked something out, but you probably haven't. You have simply found an explanation that suits your brain. But it isn't mental understanding that we need anyway, it's discernment. The Israelites grumbled so much to God. They were all asking God, why, why, why but God did not answer them as they were asking the wrong question. All that God needed to hear them say was 'Lord, strengthen me for this journey and let me pass straight through'. He wanted no complaining, rebelling, arguing or finding fault, just a simple 'I trust you God'.

Too many people try to serve God with their mind when they actually need to be serving with their heart. Our mind has to get renewed but the Word of God, but if you constantly have questions in your mind, you need to take authority over it and ensure that it is your heart that is leading.

Just trust God! God told Abraham to leave his whole life behind and to follow Him. Abraham stood up and immediately went. He 'did not trouble his mind about where he was to go'. God told him only that he would be blessed when he reached his destination. Abraham had total and complete trust in God. Could you just walk out of your door without looking back if God commanded you to?

Your circumstances right now might give the impression that God is not with you, but rest assured that He is. He may be appearing in a different way to which you are expecting Him to. But remember God's promise to never leave you nor forsake you. He is with you. Just let God be God and know that He is with you.

Many people want to know why bad things happen to good people. This is another one of those areas where we will never get a clear answer so we need to put our trust in God that He is doing the very best that He can in a bad situation. You may be questioning why you were sexually abused as a child. Why didn't God put a stop to it? Why didn't God get the paedophile arrested? Why did God allow it to go on for 10 years? and so on. But I think that sometimes we need to skew our thinking a bit to help us work out the situation. God may not have helped the abuse stop, but He gave you the strength to get through it, and also built something into you to enable you to help others who have been in the same situation. A person who has suffered trauma in a certain area of their life is likely to go on and serve in that field in some way. Don't over-analyse the situation/abuse, just do as the Bible says and 'Overcome evil with good'. Turn your life around. Don't let the enemy ruin the perfect life that God made for you. Plus the more time that you spend trying to figure out why something hasn't been done as you expected, you will end up missing all the great things that God is accomplishing each and every second.


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