I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Monday 5 September 2011

God's Secret Service 1

There is no good done in filling yourself up on the Word if you have no intention of doing anything with it. Will you make the decision to join the GSS (God's Secret Service)? Will you agree to be a spy for God and join the spiritual CID/FBI?

"As he went along, he noticed a man blind from birth" John 9:1 Every day we go about our busy lives doing as much as possible, but whilst we are being so busy there is so little that we actually notice going on around us. We are quick to notice what people aren't giving and doing for us and we notice their bad habits. But we don't notice the positive or those in need. But Jesus, he wasn't too busy to notice and stop for the blind man.

We often study the steps of Jesus but maybe we need to also study the stops that he made too? We are a society full of busy people. We rarely do one thing at a time, we multitask constantly and generally overload ourselves with more things than we should be doing. The devil has got us so wrapped up in what we are trying to accomplish, but where is that leading us? What are we doing and what are our motives? The answer is money. Most of the things we are keeping ourselves so busy with come down to financial gain. But how many things are we not noticing because we are never stopping?

Make the decision to train yourself to be prepared spiritually for when you go out as God's spy to take any action that He might ask us to do.

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of mercy" Romans 12:1 We should offer all of our living faculties as a sacrifice to God. He did not wish for a dead religion, He wants passionate and enthusiastic people who are excited about life. Do not be an inanimate, religious person.

In Acts 10:38, God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power. This was such an awesome gift to be given but Jesus did not become self-centred and self-important, he just continued "doing good". Doing good is really a very simple act, but for the recipient it can be so precious and amazing and this is very much needed by many. It doesn't take any preparation, all we have to do is go about our day to day life and 'do good'. We just need to have a willingness to be kind, friendly and patient, which as Christians we should all be anyway.

Another good quality to possess is the ability to be truly for happy for someone when they are blessed with something, even if it is something that you have been longing for, for a long time. Sadly, in these scenarios it is jealousy that reigns. Someone may say "That's great, but I wish something like that would happen to me." This is pure jealousy and goes against the Word which says, "Love is not jealous". Until you can be truly happy for other people, you will never get your own breakthrough. Part of waiting for your breakthrough is learning to genuinely have a good attitude about others receiving what it is that they are waiting for. This is one of God's test for us.

So, on a day to day basis Jesus went around doing good. He didn't stay in the synagogue preaching sermons. Spending too much time in your own church, living in your religious circle based on church activities can be overdone. You need to get together, worship, hear the Word and be strengthened and go out and be the salt and light in a dark world. Go to where people are hurting in the same way that Jesus opened his arms to sinners and wicked people.

Matthew 23:23-26 Tithing is so important but there is absolutely no point in offering your tithe if it is going to make you bitter and resentful in the world, doing nothing to fight injustice or to help others. If you don't become part of GSS then you just become part of a dead religion. God is a god of justice and that means that He wants to make things right in the world. He wants us to do that too. If we see something bad, sinful or evil occurring then we should not ignore it and walk on by; we should stop and help. We all need to do something, but sometimes we honestly don't know what to do, but if we want it bad enough we will find a way.

People tend to go to church because they either want to help others or because they need help themselves. But, churches are so filled with religious people who are so filled with the Word but who are doing absolutely nothing with it. God sees these religious people who are not acting on their faith in their everyday lives as 'dead bones'' We all need to start doing and acting with what we have inside of us. If we don't, God can't put anything else inside of us as we are filled up. It could be described as a "to you and through you" process. God gives to you, then you let that come through you by helping others and such. God told Abraham, "I will make you and I will make you a blessing", and this is what He wants for all of us.

In Matthew 6 there is discussion about the motives for carrying out good works. The motive must never be to get anything from God or to get Him to love you more - He won't. You could give everything you have to the poor but if you do not do it with love then the whole process is pointless, especially to you. So just doing good works is not enough, the motive has to be right. If you are just doing it to be noticed, to be seen, to feel good about yourself or to hope to get something from God then this is all wrong. A huge part of being a Christian is helping hurting people with absolutely no expectation of any reward.

Two true reasons for doing good are:

1. in obedience to God

2. because as a Christian, you love all people

Matthew 6:1 - Don't do good works purposely in an open arena just so that you can be seen.

Matthew 6:2 - Don't show off that you have done some good deed.

Matthew 6:3 - Do a good deed then move on. God did not intend for you to sit and big yourself up thinking how awesome you are. God has worked hard to get through your flesh to get you to this point, and bigging yourself up reverses it all.

God will reward in secret those who do good things for Him.

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