I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Being born again

To be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven you must be saved or born again. Receiving Christ does not just mean that you say the Sinners Prayer, are forgiven, go to church and do a few good deeds. It's a whole lot more than that. Some people think that being a Christian means doing things a lot better than you used to do before. This is not due to obligation, but because you have a new nature and want to do things differently, better than before.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

The new nature which we receive is planted right in the middle of the flesh, in the same way as you would plant a seed in the soil. God puts his Spirit right in the middle of our flesh when we are born again and we get a new nature. For a while, some people feel like they are two people and this stops them living their new life properly as they are so confused. But if you work with the Holy Spirit and feed the new nature with prayer, Word and fellowship with God you will find that this helps greatly.

Being born again does not mean that you open up a little compartment in your life just for a Sunday morning. Sitting in church does not make you a Christian! When you are truly born again you let God invade your whole life, every nook and cranny is accessible to Him.

When we are reborn, God takes our heart and puts His Spirit in you. He also gives you a new mind, the 'mind of the spirit'. But we still also have the mind of the flesh, which means that now, when we do sinful things it bothers us, whereas in our past life it would not have done. It is so important that we keep feeding this new nature with the help of the Holy Spirit until becomes stronger and then is stronger than the old nature.

As soon as we receive Christ, God begins a good work in you to help you on your journey. Please know that He will never give up on you and will complete His work with you so long as you remain willing. You are at a point where you have a seed in your spirit of everything that God is, so literally, you are filled with godliness. It is truly awesome to realise that you are a new creature with God living inside of you when you are born again. Untold power is available to you in your life and there is no area which you cannot have victory in.

In order to be reborn, you must accept Christ into your heart sincerely. The Bible says that you must believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. God came in human flesh and died for us on the cross taking all the punishment for our sins so that everyone who believed in Him could have eternal life. If you truly believe, you will speak it. Silent prayer is not always enough.

The Word of God changes people's lives and you can be radically and dramatically changed if you learn the Bible, accept Christ and live by the Word.

Jesus died so that we could have a deep and intimate personal life with him through God. Jesus said, "I am the way", this means that He is the way to the Father. Take a bold stand for Christ, believe in Him, surrender to Him and be proud of Him.

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