I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Monday 5 September 2011

Learning from your Mistakes

God cannot change us until we become accountable for our behaviour. We can't truly repent if we have no accountability. The wrong mindsets, thoughts and attitudes will keep you in bondage.

'Your attitude determines your altitude' It depends on how good your attitude is to how far you will go in life. We can make our own life very pleasant just by having a good attitude in every situation, whereas our circumstances may be excellent but if we have the wrong attitude, a bad attitude then we will not enjoy these things. Your attitude is very important, people and the devil can take away many things from you but they can never take away your good attitude and good thoughts. Your attitude belongs to you and it determines your peace and joy, and also how you function with people and the quality of your relationships.

Think about what you are thinking about and take a truthful look at your attitude in different situations. Do you always have a good attitude for example when you don't get your own way, when someone gets what you want or when you are corrected. When we do something wrong, a bad attitude blames others and makes constant excuses, but a good attitude confesses and repents and is forgiven. God wants us to take responsibility and admit truth and lies.

In Psalm 51 King David said that God desires truth in the inner being. This is the first place we have to be truthful, in our hearts, about ourselves. Ask yourself, 'how easy am I to get along with? how easily do I get offended? how touchy am I? how much of my time do I really spent trying to help and please people? Or is it all about ME ME ME??' 'How much times do I spend in the Word? How many excuses do I make for not spending time with God? Do I take my responsibilities and act like a man of God? Do I procrastinate?' Have a meeting with yourself, check out your attitude and be quick to repent and make things right if you are not behaving as you should.

Refuse to carry these heavy burdens anymore. The truth shall set you free! The truth about yourself that is.

In Numbers 21:5, the Israelites blame God and Moses for their problems. They have no accountability. In Genesis, Sarai, Abraham's wife bore no children, but she wanted a child so badly. Wanting something so bad that it becomes all consuming causes temptation to creep in for you to compromise yourself and get into the works of the flesh to make happen what you are lusting for, rather than waiting on God to provide. In desperation she asked Abraham to have sex with Hagar, the maid and he agreed. Hagar got pregnant and began to despise Sarai for the situation she had been put in. Sarai then started to blame Abraham for having had sex with Hagar. They were basically all blaming each other. So, it is clear that there has been blame and blame-shifting going on since the beginning of biblical times and it is very serious misbehaviour. However, God can't do anything about it and change us until we become accountable for it, by repenting. If there is no repentance then there is no accountability. You either make yourself accountable or you will be made accountable by your circumstances.

In life, we find ourselves wanting something, then we get it, but we are still not happy and decide we want something else instead or as well as. We get this additional thing and we are still not happy and the cycle goes on. You need to wake up and realise that there is nothing, absolutely nothing that will make you happy until you decide to be happy and have a happy attitude.

Being unhappy, grumbling, discouraged, mad and sad all the time and insisting on only seeing what you don't have and refusing to see what you do have is the reason that we stay in the Wilderness and never enter the Promised Land just like the Israelites.

Every time that we complain about something, no matter how great or small it is, we stay right where we are, we do not move forward. God wants to see if we can learn to have a good attitude, even in the valley.

Self-pity is also a problem for many people and we are poor Christians if the way that we respond to everything that doesn't go our way is by feeling sorry for ourselves. Often when we are feeling self-pitiful we want to really, really feel it and want others to see it so badly. We may flounce around with red eyes, mascara streaked cheeks and so on. This is pure manipulation and also a huge waste of time. It achieves nothing and changes nothing. It is idolatry, turning all the focus on yourself and is ruining a day that Jesus died for you to have.

The Bible tells us to have a good attitude whatever situation we are faced with. A good way to help ensure this is to start your day off the right way. Read and meditate on the Word and think positive for the day ahead. Whatever you are going through, keep a good attitude and set a good example to others. A good attitude glorifies God and that is good.

There is no point and no gain in just going through the motions as a front for others, and maybe yourself too when inside tells a whole different story. Many put on a huge show of positive qualities whilst in the company of fellow Christians but as soon as they are out of the door their true personality, the less desirable one returns. It's basically time to grow up and stop acting spoilt. Some days are hard, we all have them but changing your attitude toward that bad day can make such a huge difference to how you get through it. Let this wisdom shine on others around you.

You can be pitiful or powerful but you can't be both - make your choice!

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