I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Monday 12 September 2011


Women are generally more moody than men. We tend to either have loud fits and blows of anger, or quiet ones where we internalise, which have a harsher effect on our wellbeing. When someone is not very happy with themselves, it does not matter what anyone does, they won't be able to make that person truly happy. True happiness comes from within and from your relationship with God. Unhappy people like to make happy people unhappy, but when that proves unsuccessful and all they can see if joyfulness and stability in that person they get annoyed, and perhaps jealous too. But stability and joy are two of the most important things you can have in your Christian witness. If there is someone moody in your home it can create a lot of fear and tension especially if it is the man or wife. The situation needs to be addressed and dealt with or you will lose your life essentially just through refusing or being too scared to deal with uncomfortable, abusive devaluing situations. Don't let someone rob you of your joy by them being moody and miserable. The joy of the Lord is your strength, not the joy of your circumstances. There is a time to pray and a time to act. Sometimes for your own wellbeing you need to act rather than pray. If we suffer from overwhelming moods then anytime anything goes very well, we have huge gratitude and happiness, but when something goes not so well then we throw a huge tantrum and sulk. Negative circumstances create a lot of emotion and the consciousness of our sin can begin a need to be saved and receive Christ as Saviour. You may be sat at home thinking about a desire you have to do something great, but have no idea what. Don't just think it - go out and do it! The Holy Spirit comes to lift us and help us accept God's calling, but we need to have total faith in God's choice and the leading of the Spirit if we are to achieve that great thing.

If we are going to be a true Christian then we need to stop acting like the devil and put a whole load of new godly behaviours and thoughts into our minds. We need to have peace, righteousness, joy, a controlled temper, positive thinking, speaking as God wants and a good, pure heart. If you begin to think and talk right you can change your life dramatically through a shift in your mindset. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 tells us that the more you know of the Word, you more you recognise wrong thoughts and the more of the Word that you learn, the quicker you will get at catching yourself thinking wrong thoughts until you reach the point where you have a brand new way of thinking. When you first feel our mood beginning to drop, that's when you need to stop yourself and resist devilish moods and ways. 1 Peter 5:9 You need to learn to forgive quickly and be victorious through that. If you persist in holding grudges, nothing good will come of them and it will be a big hurdle to get over for you. People who are emotionally out of control will use certain emotions to manipulate others; self pity, rage, anger, woeful. They are wanting attention because they are hurting but they are going about it the wrong way. All that is needed is for the upset one to sit down with a trusted friend and explain their needs and upsets in a calm way. In the midst of such tantrum the Holy Spirit is looking at us and thinking how silly we are. He has been trying to tell us that we are gifted for a calling but we are too selfish and moody to carry it out.

God calls us and knows full well what a mess we are at that time. His strength works perfect with weaknesses. God purposely chooses the weak and foolish for His light to shine through so that people know that it must be God. He gives us gifts that go far beyond any natural ability we have. But there are some things He requires from you to allow these gifts to work right. He wants to walk with you through the presence of the Holy Spirit so that you can become stable, as stability releases ability. Sometimes we need to correct a certain behaviour we have before God will do work in a different area of our lives. But sometimes we are silly and unwilling to submit or adapt, not even in order to get what we want. When you have a 'critical spirit', you will always find something wrong with everything and everybody. This is not useful. It is a bad habit stemming from a bad emotion that needs correcting. Our success in life is not so much to do with our abilities but with our character. A lot of people have the gifts to get them to high places but they don't have the character to keep themselves there.

When God sees your heart, He will work with you tirelessly, and you will either accept that and be happy or reject it and continue to live your miserable existence. It is relatively easy to get your thoughts and words changed but emotions are a lot harder due to how deeply embedded some of them are. It can be so hard for some to do the right thing when they feel the wrong way. 'I don't can't what I feel like but by the grace and mercy of God I am going to do the right thing.' This is the correct way. You don't need to feel like forgiving to forgive someone. You don't have to feel like being good to someone to be good to them. You don't have to feel happy to put a smile on your own face. Do all these things by choice and God will see the good intentions in you. The Bible tells us not to be weary about making the right choices, so don't be.

Stability is a wonderful gift that we can give to others or to ourselves. Stability means dependability. When you meet a person and know that you can depend on them for anything. Choose to trust God, let him take a hold of your worries instead of you bearing the burden so that you can never take your own bad moods out on anyone around you. Philippians 1:28 If you can remain stable then the enemy is doomed because he can't do anything with you if you are stable. God desires us to learn to be completely calm in the face of adversity. Put it all on God and He will be your salvation. No matter what you feel like inside you can pray to God to help you change your feelings and moods, "for he never puts on us more than we can bear". God has gifted us with a spirit of love, power, compassion and sound mind, not evil. Analyse your moods and reaffirm a new approach in Christ if necessary. If you can get to the point where you are permanently stable then you will become salt and light to others and they will want what you have.

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