I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Sin, guilt & regret

Guilt and regret are such heavy burdens to carry aren't they? We need to begin to live on the other side of those by allowing God into our lives. Grief can steal your life, please don't let it. There is so much more to feel in life such as God's amazing and undying love for us all.

As a Christian we are encouraged to meditate on His Word. In doing so we all interpret in different ways what God wants and expects of us. God is not shocked or unexpecting of our behaviour. He is committed to working with us so long as we keep up our end of the bargain in being faithful to him and his Word.

It's time to move out of the City of Regret and into the Kingdom of God my friends. Forget about we should have done, would have done, could have done and so on. There is no physical way in which we can undo our (perceived) mistakes but if we put our trust in the Lord he will help us move on to a far better place than the one we currently know. We need to live by and follow his word. We need to stop living by how we feel and start living by the word of God.

We can't change yesterday but we do have the power to make today a wonderful day - Amen!!!

Romans 6:2 "how can we who died to sin live in it any longer?"

The God filled, spiritual you does not want to sin. Sin has been taken care of. Everything we need to deal with sin has been taken care of by God. We are a new creature in Christ. God gave us a new heart when we began to follow Christ. We don't fall into sin, we choose it, sometimes without realising at first - sins of the flesh for example are often not premeditated but a spur of the moment event, however a sin is a sin. But if you really understand who you are in Christ then you cannot purposely, habitually sin. God knows your heart.

Romans 6:3-4 " so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in
newness of life"

Christ suffered so that we might gain. In taking all our sins to the cross, spiritually we were in and with Jesus when he died and again when he was resurrected.

When we are baptised, our old way of living dies, we die to Satan and are reborn to a new way, an awesome, everlasting life with Jesus and oh how my life has changed since this moment happened to me.

There is no sin we have committed that cannot be forgiven with the blood of Jesus Christ. Don't be held back by guilt and condemnation, give it up to God. God heals and forgives all for he is an awesome God who reigns above all.

Live to serve Christ and your life will be forever changed.

Do you spend more time with your sins than you do with god?




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