I already have a blog where I keep all my creative work. My life is changing a lot at the moment and there are lots of issues, beliefs and such that I find myself musing for hours over. I've decided that it might be a good idea to write my musings down somewhere. I have no idea where this will go so it will be an adventure, an exciting one I hope.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Dealing with the past

When you have been hurt or abused it is very easy to get stuck in that painful place in your mind. By adulthood you are at a very high risk of leading a dysfunctional life. You may be a workaholic, a perfectionist or maybe have become a loner with the theory that if you mix with no one then no one can hurt you again. Often one dysfunctional person will marry another dysfunctional person and they in turn will raise dysfunctional children. But God recognises your value and worth no matter how big and traumatic your past was.

Many of us have a testimony of how bad our life has been to date. We mustn't get stuck in the past, we need to make a conscious effort to move forward with God. The promises made by God are for whosoever will embark on this journey. If you want to get well you can but it is a process and God is by your side through it. It won't happen overnight, it will take time and it will be the hardest process you ever go through but the harvest will be bountiful.

When something happens to you and you become stuck in the moment or in the middle of the trauma mentally it is pretty frustrating for God as he is waiting to help you get well and heal. But he can't do that until we lose our negative attitude and choose the healing path. Many don't believe they can ever have wholeness. I certainly used to believe that. But Jesus died so that we could have a life in abundance that we can enjoy. We can enjoy every step of our healing journey, we don't need to wait until the end to start smiling. Nothing makes the devil madder than for you to enjoy your life, so get out there and LIVE!!!

Adults get stuck but children have the ability to move on. Perhaps adults should take some life lessons from them. Just because we are an adult doesn't mean that we can't be a child at the same time as a way of making up for innocence lost. Get down on the floor and play dress up and let's pretend with your kids. It's lots of fun. Honest!

You don't have to be stuck if you don't want to.

Spend the rest of your life striving for complete wholeness.

In John 5:1-12 - We read of a crippled man, laying at the side of the healing pool at Bethesda on his mat, he had done so for 38 years. Jesus approached him and asked him if he wanted to be well, He replied that he had nobody when the water is moving to put him into that pool and therefore someone always got there first when the angel stirred the waters. But why did he not inch himself nearer to it over the years? The simple fact is that didn't want to. He wanted someone else to do it for him, he wanted someone else to take responsibility for his situation. Jesus commanded him to get up and clean up his bed(his past) and take it with him to deal with. God wants us to get ourselves well and clear up our own mess from the past and he has given us the power to do so if we choose to recognise it.

Some people love their dysfunction, it becomes their identity and are they are not willing to get over it. But the need to get over it is so important You can't do anything about what you have lost but you can do lots about the rest of your life. Don't spend the rest of your life bleeding and bruised. Spend every single day getting the devil back for what he did to you in your past. Overcome evil with good.

If anybody can have wholeness YOU can have wholeness. Make the decision that if anyone is going to be healed then YOU are. You need to find the strength of God inside you and realise it's going to be tough and will hurt along the way but the end result will be astounding, amazing and life changing and the constant hurt from the past will lose its hold over you.

Allow yourself to be free to be all you can be in the Holy Spirit. Jesus bought it all for us on the cross. The very least we can do is enjoy the freedom and live our lives to the fullest in his honour.

Self pity is one of the most disastrous things, "what about me?"," woe is me". GET UP!! Don't waste one more day feeling sorry for yourself. Tell the devil all the good things you have in your life and that you are going to heaven, because you will, don't ever doubt that. You can be pitiful or powerful but you can't be both - take your pick.

Philippians 3:13 " Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead" - Jesus died for a purpose, so that you can have this quality of life that is so amazing. Say to yourself "I am going to take everything I can in this life to enjoy it".

There is nothing sadder than a sad Christian. We need to be full time happy. Negative and pathetic thoughts are pointless when we have the power of the universe dwelling inside of us. There is a lot of pain, injustice, loss and so on in the world but God is good


Are you willing to recover? really, truly???



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